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Thursday, October 01, 2009

Sorting out feelings of anguish

I read a piece recently by a woman who suffered through years of Chronic pain and depression with drug therapy and now deals with her situation completely drug free.

She claimed her biggest success came with learning to stop trying to be what she wasn't. If she felt depressed she would allow herself to truly feel that depression, to become it, to embrace it. She realized that otherwise she was simply in denial of her true feelings.

Pain, depression, heartache, devastation - they aren't things most people actively choose to experience, yet they can be a part of anyone's life at some point in time. As all things do, the episodes of depression or pain or suffering will pass and be replaced with all sorts of other human emotions and expressions and episodes.

I am trying to work with this, not really doing the best at it... The past few days really seemed to put my thoughts in dark, scary, painful and angry places.

My passion is to share my sense of joy in creation. To celebrate nature, the natural world and the human spirit immersed within it. To encourage others to do the same. Yet i know that today in the world as a whole it may be difficult to maintain a celebratory stance. I have such confused and mixed feelings about the devastation of the lives of so many through several powerful natural events; tsunamis, earthquakes and a typhoon.

Nature, in this story will heal and what has changed will move on in a new direction as the laws of nature see fit. People's lives and families are another matter altogether. I pray for their safety and comfort and sense of peace. I am thankful that there are many on their way to assist as best they can. I feel such unfathomable grief for all that is lost through such calamity and hope for swift healing and recovery for all.

Then there's the Roman Polanski story which I guess I've allowed to get under my skin... no need, perhaps old wounds are being poked or what have you... it just makes me wonder about the whole "other world" the Hollywood society seems to live in.
Then again, who am I, I've no right to be judgmental... I don't wish to be, i'm trying to understand something, realizing it's futile and completely unnecessary anyway... I have to laugh at myself... yup - there's an old wound there that feels it's being prodded. Something that needs working from me... okay, perhaps I can work with that and find my way back out of the dark hole!

I guess that is the point of feeling through it all. hmmm I'm sure I'm not done yet... but maybe now it won't feel so fierce! May peace and love be a pillow to the world tonight.

With love, ...from the garden. ;-)


Trish said...

Sounds to me as if you are doing fine in working through your anguish.

Our Enchanted Garden said...

It's coming thanks! More storms on the way to Asia and others... Ushering in this new world: "Extreme record breaking weather is apt to become the norm in coming years," say Simon Frasier University scientists, BC, Canada! (Saw that on the news while writing this - wild!)
Message - time to get used to this! *Sigh*

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Walk in the; a photo blog

It's our belief the Earth on which we live is truly an Enchanted Garden. Nature has a magical way of creating and sustaining itself, usually with an incredible abundance and variety of expression. This is actually the natural way of the world we live in, despite human attempts to rally against or fight or ignore nature.

A Photo-Blog with a fun and quirky flavor, including some digital artwork, inspirations, experiments and the stories behind them giving some insight into how a couple of happy gardeners view our backyard and our world!
Visiting is just like taking a Walk In The Garden

We planned our landscaping to reflect our appreciation for the natural world and the desire to observe nature up close by making use of native plant varieties, allowing seed bearing plants to stand as feed for wildlife and creating a healthy micro-environment for them. Sometimes even the garden visitors: mainly birds and squirrels leave seeds and bulbs that surprise us later on!

I enjoy sharing some of the magical photographs and images I'm grateful to be able to capture and create. Other fun photos and stories highlighting the rest of our life in the garden will inevitably show up here too. Road trips, camping, fishing, biking, our dogs and our rescue foster pups and their antics, are the likely topics!

Click: Our Enchanted Garden to visit our growing Website!

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Thyme started in the garden!

What's happening in the Garden?

  • In addition to other activities Our Enchanted Garden helps in the rescue and fostering of jack russell terriers. Our own two dogs, one a rescue herself, enjoy being foster sisters. Have you ever considered fostering an abandoned animal? Ask your local shelter how you can help! Or search online for more info and do the Natural Thing! Open your hearts, your homes and your yards to an unfortunate animal in need of love and with tons of love to give back!

With Love, ...from The Garden and the caretaker

My photo
Guelph, ON, Canada
I celebrate nature, the natural world and the human spirit immersed within it. My passion is in sharing the simple reminders the garden and nature share with me. Through my photographic adventures I've learned something we humans often overlook; We are a part of Nature, not apart from it! That we are human spirits immersed within this magical, miraculous and beautiful world. Understanding this fundamental truth has been changing my life in lovely ways. I look forward to and welcome further developments this focus provides and hope you might be inspired to reconnect with the natural world around you!
I have a website where you can see some of my featured photos, some images are available to download to your computer for your personal use. Come explore at Our Enchanted Garden You can also visit our Zazzle Gallery here;Our Enchanted Gardenfor a selection of products featuring our enchanting images in note cards, greetings, mugs, magnets, and stationery with more products added daily.

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Please Note: All images and text registered under Creative Commons copyright license, some rights reserved; you may share the info and photos by giving attribution to the creator, for non-commercial use only and with out derivatives.
Please honour this creator's attempt to share from the heart without losing the integrity of her property.
A special Thank You! to those sharing my work in their projects, assignments and publications for not-for-profit use with credit given to the creator, Our Enchanted Garden / Cheryl Binstock.

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